
Awarded wines

This section of our wine shop presents the best award-winning wines recognised by three major Italian wine guides and magazines: Three Glasses from Gambero Rosso, 5 Bunches from Bibenda and 4 Grapes from the Vitae Guide of AIS (Italian Sommelier Association). A wide selection of award-winning red, white and sparkling wines from renowned wineries such as Ferrari, Antinori, Bellavista and Frescobaldi, which have all impressed leading industry guides and publications.
Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 5 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

Award 5 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

Award Slow Wine i

This wine has been awarded by the Slow Wine Guide.

Before it was: € 28,90

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award Slow Wine i

This wine has been awarded by the Slow Wine Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide. Bottle with original case.

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Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

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Award 5 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

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Award 4 Viti i

This wine has been awarded by AIS Vitae Guide.

Award 5 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

Award 5 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

They remain 5
Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award Slow Wine i

This wine has been awarded by the Slow Wine Guide.

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Award 4 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide. Bottle with original case.

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Award 3 Bicchieri i

This wine has been awarded by the Gambero Rosso Guide.

Award 5 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

Award 4 Grappoli i

This wine has been awarded by the Bibenda Guide.

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Awarded wines

Award-winning wines: symphony of aromas and flavors

Award-winning wines are jewels that enchant the most refined palates and connoisseurs from all over the world. Each sip reveals a symphony of impeccably balanced aromas and flavors, the result of the skill and dedication of winemakers. These exceptional wines, often awarded prestigious awards, tell unique stories of terroir, of grapes cultivated with love and care, of masterful winemaking processes that transform the ordinary into extraordinary. Their labels celebrate deserved triumphs, testimonies of excellence conferred by expert judges and renowned competitions. Each award gives prestige to a wine, emphasizing its superior quality and its ability to stand out among the many excellences on the market. They are works of art capable of evoking emotions and transporting those who taste them in a sensory journey without time. The award-winning wines are true experiences, which capture the essence of a land, the passionate work of those who dedicate themselves and the magic of a moment shared between friends and lovers of good taste.

Three Glasses, Gambero Rosso

Gambero Rosso Tre Bicchieri represent the pinnacle of excellence in the world of Italian wines. This prestigious award, awarded annually by the renowned guide Gambero Rosso, is a symbol of quality, oenological mastery and typical territorial. The wines awarded the Three Glasses are selected through a rigorous evaluation process by a panel of expert tasters. These wines embody the authenticity of Italian grapes and wine art, conveying the unique essence of the country’s different wine regions. The production of Tre Bicchieri is an honour coveted by producers and wineries, a confirmation of their constant commitment to improving the quality of their wines. These award-winning wines are not only high quality products, but true cultural expressions that tell stories of tradition, innovation and passion. Each year, the award of the Tre Bicchieri Gambero Rosso is an occasion of celebration for the Italian wine world, emphasizing the excellence of the labels and offering connoisseurs the opportunity to discover true wine gems, able to exalt the senses and to give unforgettable experiences to those who have the privilege of tasting them.

4 Viti AIS Award: Italian Sommelier Association

The prestigious "4 Viti" award awarded by the Italian Sommelier Association (AIS) is a coveted and respected recognition in the Italian wine scene. This award is awarded to wines that represent absolute excellence, embodying the quintessence of organoleptic characteristics, territorial typicality and wine making mastery. The evaluation process for the "4 Viti" award is extremely rigorous and entrusted to a panel of expert sommeliers from AIS. These professionals carefully evaluate every detail of the wine, from sight to taste, from aromatic complexity to structure, to select the labels that best express the authenticity and high quality of Italian wine production. The wines awarded the 4 Vines represent the pinnacle of the oenological art, they are superb interpretations of the territory and the Italian wine tradition. These award-winning wines are authentic works of art in bottles, capable of telling millennial stories, capturing the essence of the territory from which they come and giving unique emotions to those who have the privilege of tasting them. The award of the 4 Vines is a recognition of great prestige for wineries and producers, attesting to their constant commitment to quality and the pursuit of excellence. These wines represent a cultural heritage, an invitation to discover and appreciate the richness and diversity of Italian wine excellence.

5 Bunches of grapes of Bibenda

The 5 Grappoli award awarded by Bibenda is an authoritative honour in the world of Italian enology, representing the pinnacle of excellence and quality of wine production. This award, awarded annually by the Bibenda guide, testifies to the great quality and superlative level of the Italian wines selected. The evaluation of the wines for the assignment of the 5 Grapes is the result of a careful and scrupulous analysis by a jury composed of expert tasters and food and wine critics. The wines awarded this award represent real wine pearls, characterized by an extraordinary aromatic complexity, a perfect balance between structure and gustatory harmony, as well as a deep representation of the territory of origin. Being awarded the 5 Bunches is a coveted and deserved recognition by producers and wineries, as it underlines their constant commitment to quality and excellence in wine making practices. These wines represent authentic works of art, capable of telling the history, culture and tradition of the different Italian wine regions and historic wineries, which transmit and communicate the Italian wine tradition such as the winery of Marchesi di Barolo and Nervi. The assignment of the 5 Bunches is a moment of celebration and enhancement of Italian enology, offering connoisseurs and wine lovers the opportunity to discover and appreciate authentic wine gems, that enhance the senses and give unforgettable experiences to those who have the privilege of tasting them.

Slow Wine: the excellence of wines

The Slow Wine Award is an award of great prestige in the world of oenology, awarded by the guide Slow Wine, published by Slow Food Publisher. This award not only celebrates the excellence of wines, but also enhances the link between wine production, territory and sustainable practices. The Slow Wine guide rewards wines that respect the principles of sustainable production, biodiversity, organic and biodynamic agriculture, also highlighting the attention to the environment and the ethical commitment of wineries in the management of the vineyard and production. The wines awarded the Slow Wine Award represent not only the taste and wine excellence, but also a concrete commitment to a conscious and environmentally friendly production. Each awarded label tells a unique story of sustainability, passion for the territory and respect for traditions. Being selected by the Slow Wine guide is a coveted recognition for producers, as it highlights their dedication to adopting agricultural and productive practices that safeguard the ecosystem. This award offers connoisseurs the opportunity to discover high quality wines, but above all to embrace an oenological ethic aimed at promoting a more sustainable and responsible wine industry. An example are the wines of the cellars of Bellavista, Conterno and Allegrini.