In the heart of the Langhe, an area known for the production of the traditional Barolo, Cantina Vietti has stood for four generations. However, it was in the 1960s that Alfredo Currado revolutionised wine production, from monovarietal vinification to Etichette d'Autore, original Vietti wines created by artists and inspired by a specific vintage. In the following years, the Vietti family continued along the road of experimentation in search of quality, contributing to the creation of one of the most renowned brands of Piedmontese wine made in Italy. To this day, Cantina Vietti, acquired by Krause Holdings, combines the traditions and passion carried on for generations with innovative techniques to ensure the production of high quality wines and an a href="">viticoltura and sustainable viticulture that enhances and safeguards the surrounding terroir. The end result of the excellent Piedmontese wines produced by Cantina Vietti, which convey the love for the surrounding area and the dedication of its producers, can be appreciated on the palate. Name and address of producer/distributor: Vietti - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 5, 12060 Castiglione Falletto (CN). Products from this winery should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat sources.
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