In the heart of Piedmont, not far from the town of Trezzo Tinella, the Mustela farm carries on its work with passion and perseverance, in a continuous search for perfection. The constant and careful study of local traditions, combined with a solid knowledge of the latest innovations in wine production, has led this company to establish an important reputation among winegrowers in the Piedmont countryside. The fruit of his work is a Piedmontese wine that is rich in character and class, capable of interpreting the terroir in a unique way and enhancing it in every glass. Among the most important productions under the Mustela brand is the extensive production of high-quality red wines, among which the Nebbiolo stands out. It is a young company that is in step with the times, always looking for new techniques to guarantee a product that is full of elegance and character. This is also why the focus on organic and sustainable cultivation is a top priority. Name and address of producer/distributor: Mustela - Fraz. Cappelletto, 56, 12050 Trezzo Tinella (CN). Products from this winery should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat sources.
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